Friday, 15 August 2008

Peacocks, Small Torts, Gatekeepers etc etc - Calf Hey 150808

1400hrs to 1600hrs. Calf Hey - West side Thistles and Top O'th Knoll areas.
Insects: Peacock (1) and 1st this year.. (click on photo to enlarge), Small Tortoiseshell (8), Gatekeeper (22) along side of pathway around W. of Hartley House, a lot on thistle to W of Calf Hey, again on the sides of the footpath and finally a small cluster on the path in front of Top O'th Knoll... none today at colony site (near mushroom timber sculptures), Small Heath (1), Small Skipper (15), Meadow Brown (16), Green Veined White (20), Large White (2).... also Common Green Grasshopper.

Birds: Willow Warbler (1)
Flora: Meadows Cranesbill, Tormentil, Foxglove.

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